Raspberry Pi Bat Project
Funded project by Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU) Landesverband Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V
AK Fledermausschutz Aachen, Düren, Euskirchen (NABU / BUND / LNU)
Bat Pi (old) Image (October 2015) download

You can download the new software-image-File  "Bat-Pi-1-Date.7z"
(compressed 750 MB zip-File).
To unpack the zip-file, you will need a 

Please send  your name and complete address to


to get the
PASSWORT   in return.

The zip-file contains the image, for installation of Bat Pi 1 and a manual for installation and configuration the Bat Pi 1.
You will be informed of recent improvements of the project,
updates and newsletters, via email.
DOWNLOAD Bat Pi 1 Image
Copyright: AK Fledermausschutz Aachen, Düren, Euskirchen (NABU / BUND / LNU) 2016